Internet Models and Network Measurements
The characterization of complex and interconnected systems, such as the Internet, is essential to obtain precious insights on the network behavior. In this case, Telematics Laboratory is carrying out interesting research activities aiming at formulating analytical models for key aspects of Internet topology (for instance, diameter and shortest path). Network measurements are also fundamental for deeply understanding network behavior, type of traffic managed by an operator, thus being able to conceive innovative solutions improving system performance. Research activities related to network measurements include packet sampling techniques for scalable measurement systems in the Internet network, active and passive measurements for the analysis of mobile networks, and machine learning techniques for traffic classification and optimal resource management.

- The characterization of complex and interconnected systems, is essential to obtain precious insights on the network behavior.
- Network measurements are needed for network behavior, type of traffic managed by an operator, thus being able to conceive innovative solutions improving system performance.
Main activities
- Formulate analytical models for key aspects of Internet topology (for instance, diameter and shortest path).
- Definition of packet sampling techniques for scalable measurement systems in the Internet network.
- Implementation of machine learning techniques for traffic classification and optimal resource management.