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Lawful Interception

Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) extensively depend on Lawful Interception (LI) tools to investigate criminal activities and counter terrorism. The rising prevalence of cybercrime, terrorism-related offenses, and illicit trades within the European Union (EU) has prompted LEAs to seek advanced LI techniques compatible with evolving 5G and Beyond 5G network architectures. However, the increasing adoption of highly dynamic and distributed networks, widespread use of end-to-end encryption applications, and enhanced privacy measures pose challenges for conventional LI methods. To address these limitations and extend the 3GPP LI standard, an innovative LI framework built upon the standardized 3GPP LI architecture incorporating an inspection-friendly end-to-end cryptographic mechanism.

Main activities

  • Study of Standardized 3GPP LI Architecture
  • Design of novel LI framework integrating inspection-friendly algorithms (e.g., Key Escrow).
  • Evaluation of a proof-of-concept implementation of the designed LI framework with open-source tools.