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This page is dedicated to the lightweight, open source and standard compliant security framework for IoT systems, which has been implemented in the OpenWSN protocol stack.

The main features covered by the conceived security framework, are (i) the identification of potential security configurations that could be supported in an IoT domain, (ii) the definition of schemes enabling the data confidentiality and integrity protection of messages, (iii) the design of an efficient mechanism to configure and maintain a secured IoT domain, and (iv) the development of a lightweight KMP used by smart objects to negotiate link keys.

The code is freely available here.

Please, see the README file to understand how merging the code within the official release of OpenWSN and use it on real devices.

To demonstrate the effective security of the proposed framework, it has been implemented in ProVerif, i.e., a well-known tool for evaluating the security of new protocols against the most common attacks over the wireless communication channel.

The code is freely available here.

For any problems, contact

Enjoy the security framework!
Telematics Research Group – Politecnico di Bari (IT)