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Signal Theory
Fundamentals of Internet of Things
Telecommunication networks for traceability and logistics
Network Security
Fondamenti di telematica
Wireless Networks Security

Research Topics

Wireless Communication
Cellular Communication
Information Centric Networking (ICN)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Network Security

Giuseppe Piro

Full Professor

Polytechnic University of Bari

Giuseppe Piro is a Full Professor in Telecommunications at the Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy) and co-responsible of the “Experimental Laboratory of Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks and Services (iTNT-NS)” developed in the context of the PNRR PE14 RESTART Partnership. He received a first-level degree and a second-level degree (both cum laude) in Telecommunications Engineering from “Politecnico di Bari”, Italy, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from “Politecnico di Bari”, Italy, in March 2012. His main research interests include mobile communication systems, integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, physical and network layer security, intent-based networking, Internet of Things, Software-Defined Networking, Information-Centric Networking, nano-scale communications, and network simulation tools. At the time of this writing, he holds the role of Principal Investigator for the PRIN project “Integrated Terrestrial/Space wireless networks for broadband connectivity and IoT services (INSPIRE)” and of Local Investigator (at the Polytechnic University of Bari) for the ISP5G+ Innovative Security Paradigms” project funded by the PNRR PE7 SERICS Partnership. He has been Local Investigator for the PRIN project “Realtime Control of 5G Wireless Networks: Taming the Complexity of Future Transmission and Computation Challenges” and of two projects funded by the European Space Agency (SATIABLE, NB-IoT4Space). He has been also involved in EU H2020 projects (FANTASTIC-5G, BONVOYAGE, symbIoTe, and GUARD), Italian MIUR PON projects (Pico&Pro, FURTHER, AGREED, RAFAEL), and Italian MISE projects (Casa delle Tecnologie di Matera, Pre-commercial trials of 5G technology using spectrum in the 3.6 GHz-3.8 GHz range). He founded 5G-air-simulator, LTE-Sim, and NANO-SIM open-source projects.
He is regularly involved as a member of the TPC of many prestigious international conferences.
Currently, he serves as Associate Editor for Internet Technology Letter (Wiley), Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Hindawi), and Sensors (MDPI).

Research Topics

Wireless Communication
Cellular Communication
Information Centric Networking (ICN)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Network Security


150 entries « 1 of 15 »


Ingrid Huso, Salvatore Carbonara, Savio Sciancalepore, Gabriele Oligeri, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

Jamming Echoes: On the Impact of Out-of-Band Interference on Radio Frequency Fingerprinting Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: IEEE INFOCOM WKSHPS: DeepWireless 2025: Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (INFOCOM DeepWireless 2025), pp. 5.97, London, United Kingdom (Great Britain), Forthcoming.

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Luca Ballotta, Nicolò Dal Fabbro, Giovanni Perin, Luca Schenato, Michele Rossi, Giuseppe Piro

VREM-FL: mobility-aware computation-scheduling co-design for vehicular federated learning Journal Article

In: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 74, iss. 2, pp. 3311-3326, 2025, ISSN: 1939-9359.

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Enrico Boffetti, Arcangela Rago, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

5G-QoERA: An Integrated Dataset for QoE Assessment in 5G NR Based on User Mobility, Radio Map, Scheduling Decisions, and Application Details Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: 2025 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (WCNC 2025), Milan, Italy, Forthcoming.

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Giancarlo Sciddurlo, Pietro Camarda, Domenico Striccoli, Ilaria Cianci, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

Markov chain-based analytical model supporting service provisioning and network design in the Social Internet of Everything Journal Article

In: Computer Networks, pp. 111040, 2025, ISSN: 1389-1286.

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Francesco Matera, Marina Settembre, Arcangela Rago, Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Ernestina Cianca, Marina Ruggieri, Simone Morosi

Integrating Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks to Bridge the Digital Divide and Advance Sustainability Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: Proc. of 2024 IEEE International Humanitarian Technologies Conference (IHTC) - Integrated Networks and Services Toward Ubiquitous and Sustainable Digitalization, Forthcoming.

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Federica de Trizio, Giancarlo Sciddurlo, Ilaria Cianci, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

Optimizing Key Value Indicators in Intent-Based Networks through Digital Twins aided service orchestration mechanisms Journal Article

In: Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol. 228, pp. 107977, 2024, ISSN: 0140-3664.

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Federica de Trizio, Giancarlo Sciddurlo, Antonio Petrosino, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

A Scalable Framework for Responsive Trustworthiness Dissemination in Social IoA Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the CoNEXT Student Workshop 2024 (CoNEXT-SW '24), December 9–12, 2024, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, Los Angeles, California, 2024, ISBN: 979-8-4007-1255-5/24/12.

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Federica de Trizio, Giancarlo Sciddurlo, Dominga Rutigliano, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

A Novel Malicious Intent Detection Approach in Intent-Based Enterprise Networks Proceedings Article

In: 2024 20th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), pp. 1-7, Prague, Czech Republic, 2024.

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Francesco Matera, Marina Settembre, Ernestina Cianca, Marina Ruggieri, Arcangela Rago, Alessio Fascista, Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Francesco Malandrino, Giuseppe Virone, Simone Morosi

Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks for Integrated Sensing and Communication Proceedings Article Forthcoming

In: Proc. of 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) - Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC): A New Perspective for Autonomous, Connected and Smart Systems, Forthcoming.

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Daniele Pugliese, Mattia Quadrini, Domenico Striccoli, Cesare Roseti, Francesco Zampognaro, Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia

Integrating terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks via IAB technology: System-level design and evaluation Journal Article

In: Computer Networks (Elsevier), 2024, ISSN: 1389-1286.

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150 entries « 1 of 15 »



Giancarlo Sciddurlo, Federica de Trizio, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

Integrating Digital Twin Federation and Intent-Based Networking for Optimized Performance in Ethical Next-Generation Networks Presentation

Best Poster runner up: RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop, Palermo, Italy, 31.01.2025.


Daniele Pugliese, Mattia Quadrini, Domenico Striccoli, Cesare Rosati, Francesco Zampognaro, Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia

Integrating Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks via IAB Technology: System-Level Design and Evaluation Presentation

Best Impact Contribution runner-up: RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop, Catania, Italy, 05.07.2024.

Federica de Trizio, Giancarlo Sciddurlo, Ilaria Cianci, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

Optimizing Key Value Indicators in Intent-Based Networks through Digital Twins aided service orchestration mechanisms Presentation

Best Poster runner-up: RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop, Catania, Italy, 05.07.2024.

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Enrico Boffetti, Arcangela Rago, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

Design of AI-Based Digital Twin Network for Multimedia Service Provisioning Best Paper Proceedings Article

In: 2024 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC): 29th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications - workshop on Next-Generation Multimedia Services at the Edge: Leveraging 5G and Beyond (NGMSE2024), pp. 6, Paris, France, 2024, (Best Workshop Paper).

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Federica de Trizio, Giancarlo Sciddurlo, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia

Effective Intent-based Service Provisioning via Network Digital Twins Presentation

Best Poster runner-up: RESTART Plenary Dissemination Workshop, Bologna, Italy, 31.01.2024.


Paolo Benedetti, Agnese Vincenza Ventrella, Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco

An SDN-aided Information Centric Networking Approach to Publish-Subscribe with Mobile Consumers Best Paper Proceedings Article

In: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), Rome, Italy, 2019.

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Giuseppe Piro, Antonino Orsino, Claudia Campolo, Giuseppe Araniti, Gennaro Boggia, Antonella Molinaro

D2D in LTE vehicular networking: system model and upper bound performance Best Paper Proceedings Article

In: Proc. of IEEE Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems, 2015, ((Best Paper Award in Telecommunications)).

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Savio Sciancalepore, Giuseppe Piro, Gennaro Boggia, Luigi Alfredo Grieco

Application of IEEE 802.15.4 security procedures in OpenWSN protocol stack Best Paper Journal Article

In: IEEE Standards Education e-Magazine, vol. 4, 2014.


Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia, Pietro Camarda

QoS provisioning in LTE-A networks with relay nodes Best Paper Proceedings Article

In: in Proc. of IFIP Wireless Days Conf (WD'12), Dublin, Ireland, 2012.


Mohamed Amine Ismail, Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Thierry Turletti

An Improved IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Module for the NS-3 Simulator Best Paper Proceedings Article

In: Malaga, Spain, 2010, (BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD).

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